Hub Hybrid



The synergy of wired and wireless technologies
Hub Hybrid is a game-changer among professional security systems. It is the first Ajax control panel supporting Jeweller devices and the all-new Fibra product line. Wired and wireless technologies are combined to build complex protection regardless of facility size, steel or concrete obstructions. Security is enhanced by informative notifications, photo verification of alarms, real-time system control in the app, and automation scenarios.


Physical protection of the line against break
Hub Hybrid features 8 lines and supports ring connection topology — up to four rings in a hybrid security system. In the event of a line breakage, the ring splits into two working segments, devices continue to operate, and the system notifies a security company and users about the incident.


Alarm photo verification in 9 seconds
Hub Hybrid supports both MotionCam and MotionCam Outdoor wireless motion detectors. When triggered, detectors take a series of photos, helping to evaluate the situation at the facility. Visual verification helps you instantly assess the situation, saving users from concerns, and security companies — from unnecessary dispatches.


Automates security
Hub Hybrid allows creating up to 32 scenarios and minimizing the impact of human factor impact on security. The hub can arm and disarm a facility or part of it by schedule. Instantly activate a smoke machine if someone enters the premises. Blackout the premises and turn on emergency lighting in case of fire. Or shut off water in case of a leak. Control lights, electric locks, roller shutters, and garage doors — by arming/disarming, button press, or a detector alarm.


Instant cloud sync
Ajax apps and security systems communicate through the Ajax Cloud server. The server uses a proprietary binary protocol and automatic load balancing for uninterrupted processing of millions of data packages per minute. The server is physically located in several data centres. This infrastructure provides server availability of 99,995%*.


Progress in the core
Hub Hybrid runs on OS Malevich — a real-time operating system developed by Ajax Systems. The system is immune to viruses, protected from cyber-attacks, and extremely reliable. The hardware configuration allows Hub Hybrid to evolve and remain relevant for years.


New features are ready to use
The hub is updated over the air (OTA), automatically or by engineer’s command. The process starts when the system is disarmed and takes less than a minute. Each update improves the system and adds new features.


More freedom with the Fibra technology
With Hub Hybrid, you don’t have to wire extra meters of cable. The control panel features 8 independent terminals compatible with all Fibra devices regardless of the type. Security detectors, keypads, or sirens connect to the same line and ensure security of a certain zone. The physical cable connection and the distribution of devices by rooms and groups in the app are not related.


No programming
Hub Hybrid is connected and configured via a smartphone or desktop app — forget about command-line programming. The interface increases the installation speed and minimizes errors.


Power supply stress test
Hub Hybrid features a unique testing mechanism to check the power supply of all wired devices in the system. The test is launched in the app and simulates the maximum possible power consumption: sensors give alarms, keypads are activated, sirens are turned on. If the system passes the test, you can be sure that all its devices will have enough power in any case.


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